インターモーダルの評価に関する一考察—— 京阪地区における高速道路と鉄道の接続性を事例として ——
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As environmental problems worsen, the trafficking of people becomes an increasing concern. Few advancements have been made and unnecessary car use continues in the presence of commuter railways indicating people select transportation according to their destination and purpose. In this study we evaluated and compared the utilization of an expressway and a city railway to rate the transfer convenience, time requirements and negative environmental impacts. We also conducted a questionnaire of residents to clarify issues and incentives such as parking, railroads and buses important in the selection of mode of transportation. The results of this evaluation confirm the importance of intermodal frames and help to clarify the impacts of traffic on the behavior of people. Finally, the future of the traffic infrastructure, its direction and plan are considered as related to these results.JEL Classification: R41, L91
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