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In the present study, to develop controlled-release dosage forms, interfacial reaction method was used to design of the porous inorganic microcapsule of drug. First, the inorganic microspheres with sharp size distribution were produced by using interfacial reaction method. Second, pore volume of porous shell, the route of drug release, was tried to increase. Third, impregnation method or suspension method was used to design of the porous inorganic microcapsules of water soluble drug and the porous inorganic microcapsules of poor solubility drug.1) The inorganic microspheres with under 5μm size and sharp size distribution could be produced by using interfacial reaction method. The agitation speed preparing W/O emulsion was important in producing microspheres with sharp size distribution.2) Pore volume of porous microspheres increased with the volume of the pore formations generated by adding NaOH and K(OH)2. The addition of hydroxide was effective in the porous microspheres.3) The porous inorganic microspheres could be loaded with water soluble drug and poor solubility drug by using impregnation method or suspension method. The dissolution test results showed the amount of drug release could be controlled with pore of the porous inorganic microcapsule.
- 社団法人粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
- 2006-04-15
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