Variations of Drosophila in relation to its environment. V:Variation induced in Pearl's medium when transferred from the Kozi medium (2)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. We have previously noted that Drosophila melanogaster, which has long been reared in the Kozi medium, changes some of its hereditary characters when transferred to Pearl's medium (Mori and Yanagishima, 1957). To ascertain whether these changes of characters were the results of selection among random variations or the results of causal variations in connection with the change of environmental conditions, a series of new experiments were planned. Stock strains maintained in the Kozi medium were separated into two groups (α and β groups), and each group was again separated into two strains-those maintained in the Kozi medium (αK and βK strains) and those cultured in Pearl's medium (αP and βP strains). Variations of characters found after these treatments were examined at every 5 generations and compared with the results previously mentioned.2. Speaking in general, the variations observed in the previous experiments reappeared in the present experiments, i.e.., in Pearl's medium, the ability of egg laying was increased (ca. 2.5 times) (Tables 1 and 2) and the rapidity of development of larvae was accelerated (ca. 3-21 hours) (Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).3. In some points, however, the results were different. In the present case, 1) the rapidity of development of pupae was not accelerated, 2) the preference to substrata for laying eggs was not changed, and 3) the F1 individuals of the crossing of K and P strains showed the abilities of egg laying similar to their mothers and their developmental rapidities were intermediate between both strains (or may even be said as being slightly maternal).4. In conclusion, it seems to me that the principal variations of characters, at least, that are exhibited in Pearl's medium when transferred from the Kozi medium, are those induced directly by the change of environment and not those caused by the selection of random variations, and that these variations have hereditary natures.
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