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Surface rheological analyses of polymeric solids were presented on the basis of scanning viscoelasticity microscopy (SVM) and lateral force microscopy (LFM). SVM observation for phase-separated polymer blend films revealed two-dimensional distribution of elasticity. In order to study surface thermal molecular motion of monodisperse polystyrene (PS), SVM and LFM measurements were made at various temperatures. Glass transition temperature, Tg, at the surface was discerned to be markedly lower than the corresponding bulk Tg, and the discrepancy of Tg between surface and bulk became larger with decreasing molecular weight. Such an intensive activation of thermal molecular motion at the PS surface can be explained in terms of an excess free volume induced by the segregated chain ends and a reduced cooperativity at the surface. Bulk Tg of miscible binary blends can be well expressed by the Gordon-Taylor equation. Extending this notion to surface, the surface composition in blends would be obtained by measuring surface Tg of each constituent as well as their blend. The surface composition in blend films of two PSs with different molecular weights was experimentally and systematically elucidated. The surface enrichment of a smaller molecular weight component became more remarkable with increasing molecular weight disparity between the two components due probably to an entropic effect.
- 一般社団法人 日本レオロジー学会の論文
- ポリブチレンテレフタレートの接着挙動におよぼす熱処理条件の影響(有機材料・薄膜・界面・デバイス/フィルムベースデバイスのための界面制御とプロセス技術)
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- 水と接触した高分子の物性測定と機能発現への展開
- 高分子間ナノ接着における発現機構の解明
- 臨界絡み合い分子量を超える長さを有する環状ポリスチレンの積層膜界面における相互拡散
- 走査粘弾性顕微鏡の力学モデル化と高分子表面への応用
- 表面, 界面および膜特集号に添えて
- Entanglement Effect on Film Retention of Poly(methyl methacrylate) in Methanol
- Gas Sorption into Surface of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films at Atmospheric Pressure
- ポリマーブレンドにおける表面・界面の濃縮現象
- Chain Conformation Effects on Molecular Motions at the Surface of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films
- 接着信頼性研究 : PBT-エポキシ接着界面の考察
- ポリスチレン超薄膜における階層的分子鎖熱運動とその空間分布
- Effects of Static and Dynamic Forces on Surface Viscoelastic Response of Polymer Films in Scanning Viscoelasticity Microscopy
- ポリブチレンテレフタレートの接着挙動におよぼす熱処理条件の影響
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- ポリブチレンテレフタレートの接着挙動におよぼす熱処理条件の影響
- Fabrication of Conjugated Polymer Hybrid Thin Films with Radially Oriented Aluminosilicate Nanofibers by Spin-Assembly
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- Preparation of Novel Polymer Hybrids from Imogolite Nanofiber
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- (Inorganic Nanofiber/Enzyme) Hybrid Hydrogel : Preparation, Characterization, and Enzymatic Activity of Imogolite/Pepsin Conjugate
- 九州大学 先導物質化学研究所 複合分子システム分野
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- 高分子材料へのSPM応用
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- On the Development of Naphthalene-Based Sulfonated Polyimide Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications
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- 高分子/液体界面
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- Further Study of Chain End Effect on Surface Mobility in Monodisperse Polystyrene Films
- 高性能高分子材料の開発を支える表面・界面解析技術
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- "Substitutable" Polymer Brushes : Reactive Poly(methacrylate) Brushes with Exchangeable Alkoxyamine Units in the Side Chain
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- 九州大学先導物質化学研究所
- 走査フォース顕微鏡
- 高分子固体膜表面に特徴的なナノレオロジー特性
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- 高分子固体膜表面に特徴的なナノレオロジー特性
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- 有機・高分子 ポリマーブラシを用いた防汚・接着技術
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- 中性子反射率によるソフトマテリアルの表面・界面構造解析
- 自然を模倣した超親水・防汚表面
- ソフトマテリアルの表面・界面物性制御技術