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This study discusses support for students with psychiatric disabilities and developmentaldisabilities as a primary challenge in education. The purpose of this study was to show the actualconditions of support and teachers' awareness about students with educational diffi culties. This studyexplored assignments and the potentiality of support for students with disabilities. This study methodwas a questionnaire survey to college teachers. The results indicated each ratio fallen into studentswith educational diffi culties on the number of students in a classroom group, lecture's group and supervised'sgroup. Answers to open-ended questions were analyzed using Trach's categories of (1997)natural support. College teachers indicated that 10%-20% of students had educational diffi culties. Ina group with over 10 years of educational experience and classroom teachers who likely had the mostcontact opportunities with students supervised's group ratio of teachers' awareness about studentswith educational diffi culties had increased from lecture's group ratio. College teachers indicated that6% of students had disabilities and educational diffi culties. Answers to open-ended questions aboutcoping with educational diffi culties suggested that the starting point was "the awareness of teachers"about educational responsibility. This does not involve any special or technical skills, but rather guidance,caring and accommodation.
- 北海道大学高等教育機能開発総合センターの論文
北海道大学高等教育機能開発総合センター | 論文
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