<特集1: 教職の専門職性の再検討>教職の専門職性としての同僚性
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Educational profession was once considered to be a semi-profession, because it lacked several elements which were essential to traditional professions including medical doctors and lawyers. The National Education Association made great endeavor to transform the semi-profession to a profession. On and around 1975 it had been attained, according to the code of ethics edited on that year. But the environments surrounding education had changed rapidly since the latter half of the 1970's. The time is called the post modernism. At the same period, The United States of America has fallen into the economically bad situation, so the politicians urged the educational society to set more rigorous and measurable standards and require educators accountability for the attainment of the standards. Educators considered that collaboration and collegiality would be one of good cures for the educational improvement. This paper looked into the history how the collaboration and collegiality have grown to one of central issues among teaching professions. And the conclusion will be about the emergence of radical collegiality and its meaning in authenticate teaching.
- 東京大学大学院教育学研究科学校開発政策コースの論文
東京大学大学院教育学研究科学校開発政策コース | 論文
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