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How didthe Japanese nation regard the " autonomy " and the " protection " in the case of the establislment of the children protection law ? I examine " Syonen Hogo no Houri to Jissai ( Principle of Law and Fact of the Boys Protection ) " (1928) which is the commentary book of the laws about juvenile delinquency edited by Syonen Hogo Fujin Kyokai ( association of the women to protect the boys ) and " Jido Gyakutai Boushi Hou Kaisetsu ( Child Abuse Prevention Law Commentary ) " (1934) which is the commentary book of the laws about child abuse written by Megumi Fujino from the viewpoint of " intention of the legislatrix ", " the basic character of the law " ; and " the problem of the children protection administration " to clarify this problem.// The Japanese nation performed the following interpretation about relations of the " autonomy " and the " protection " in the case of the establishment of the children protection law.// 1.The Japanese nation did not regard the autonomy as the protection for opposition.// 2.The Japanese nation protected it complementally to support the collective autonomy of the children and the parents such as the juvenile delinquency or the child abuse.// 3.The Japanese nation took the role called the duty of the protection condition maintenance positively to guarantee the personal autonomy of children such as the juvenile delinquency or the child abuse.// the heterogeneity and the inefficiency are showed. Second, the problems of the some statistical methods, such as hierarchical model, fixed effect model, data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier model, are examined.
- 東京大学大学院教育学研究科学校開発政策コースの論文
- 2008-00-00
東京大学大学院教育学研究科学校開発政策コース | 論文
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