長野賞論文 欧州統合史の中の歴史教科書対話 : 各アクターの取り組みと限界
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This paper describes cross-sectoral dialogues concerning history textbook revisions aimed at promoting a common historical awareness in the European Union and examines the ways in which this process has affected European integration. Initiated as a mutual assessment of textbooks in the inter-war period aimed at preventing prejudice against other European states, history textbook dialogues eventually evolved into arguments about the history education of citizens of the European community and the multilateral community in the post Cold War aimed at fostering collaborative development. By analyzing previous research and official activity reports of the respective actors involved in the process, including Germany, France, Poland, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, the Georg-Eckert Institute, and EUROCLIO, this study demonstrates the limitations of the activities aimed at enhancing a common historical awareness. This research suggests that existing difficulties and obstacles need to be overcome before history textbook dialogues can make possible the establishment of mutual understanding among the European states. It concludes that continuous observation and further study are required
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- 長野賞論文 欧州統合史の中の歴史教科書対話 : 各アクターの取り組みと限界