【特集論文 環境保全活動における住民参加の可能性】公共施設による自然体験活動を通じた地域活動の創始の可能性 : " 工夫の余地" という行事設計
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This case involves a biotope pond intended for conservation of the endangered species Kawabatamoroko, which was repaired by two public facilities (Clean Center of Naruto City and Sanagochi Nature Center) in cooperation with local residents. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the "start-up empowerment method for proactive community activities." The Nature Center and Clean Center performed nature activities five times over the course of eight months. The concepts behind the nature activities were "events that anyone can do" and "room for ingenuity." Initially, event participants were indifferent to public facilities. Post-event,however, participants were committed to the biotope pond and forests for owls. It was suggested from this result that "room for ingenuity" has provided participants with satisfaction and a high degree of freedom.
- 2013-08-00
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