The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori with hypertension:The Jichi Medical School Cohort Study
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Introduction Associations between chronic Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori) infection and cardiovascular riskfactors have been demonstrated in previous studies. However, the association between H.pylori and hypertensionis controversial, especially in different age groups.Methods We conducted this cross-sectional study to reveal the association between H.pylori seropositivityand hypertension using the Jichi Medical School( JMS) Cohort Study. Odds ratios( ORs) for hypertensionwere calculated using multiple logistic regression models.Results The prevalence of H.pylori was significantly higher in subjects with hypertension( 56.1%) than thosewithout( 52.4%). H.pylori seropositivity was not associated with hypertension in overall subjects( adjustedOR: 1.14, 95% confidence interval( CI): 0.85-1.26, P=0.72). However, H.pylori seropositivity was associatedwith hypertension in subjects aged ≥65 years( adjusted OR: 1.30( 1.01-1.69, P=0.04), but was not inthose aged<65 years.Conclusion There was a significant association between H.pylori seropositivity and hypertension only in subjectsin the elderly, which implies that longer duration of H.pylori infection could be one of the mechanisms ofhypertension.
- 自治医科大学の論文
- 2013-03-00
自治医科大学 | 論文
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