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A small tsunami was excited by the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Earthquake (M=6.8), generated under Japan Sea on July 16, 2007. It was detected by tide gages installed at the coast of Honshu, Japan. We analyzed the initial and the maximum waves after correcting of tidal level and response of the tide gages. A source area was estimated on arrival times using inverse refraction diagram and space distribution of period observed in the initial wave was related to the source area. The estimated source is approximated by an ellipse of 31 km in long axis and 19 km in short axis, and determined to be located nearest to the coast. The long period of 30-36 minutes is attributed to wave radiated in a direction of the long axis and short one of 10-18 minutes is attributed to wave radiated in a direction of the short axis. Space distribution of the maximum amplitude showed a decay larger than the case of cylindrical wave on a constant sea depth. It is characteristic to propagation along a sloping sea bottom. This source does not conflict with displacement field of fault model estimated from tectonic deformation on land.
- 日本歯科大学の論文
- 2012-03-00
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