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Several studies have addressed the superiority of trained athletes regarding their quicknessand accuracy in responding to environmental stimuli. However, these factors have not been wellstudied in handball players.The purpose of this study was to examine whether quickness and accuracy in respondingto a single stimulus( visual only) or combined stimulus( visual and auditory) differ according tothe performance level of handball players. We hypothesized that experienced players respondmuch faster and more accurately than less experienced players to both single and combinedstimulus conditions.Twenty-seven female collegiate handball players participated in this study. The participantswere divided into 3 groups according to their performance level (8 experts, mean 20.0±1.3years old; 9 midlevel players, mean 18.9±0.9 years; and 10 beginners, mean 16.7±0.8 years).The visual stimulus was comprised of 3 different colored LED lights, (blue, yellow, red),which were assigned to right hand, left hand, and right foot buttons, respectively. In the singlestimulus condition, the subjects were asked to press all buttons and then release the appropriatebutton as fast as possible when the corresponding light was turned on. In the combinedstimulus condition, the subjects were asked not to release any buttons when the visual stimuluswas accompanied by an auditory stimulus. To evaluate reaction time quickness, we measuredthe time between the visual stimulus and release of the button. The reaction times were measuredand accuracy was quantified by counting the number of incorrect reactions.In the single stimulus condition, the reaction time of both the expert and beginner groupswas significantly faster than that of the midlevel group. As for reaction time accuracy, therewas no significant difference among the 3 groups. In the combined stimulus condition, the expertgroup reacted significantly faster than both the midlevel and beginner groups, and weremuch more accurate than the beginner group. Surprisingly, under the combined stimulus conditionthe expert group, reacted much faster than under the single stimulus condition. The presentfindings suggest that the expert athletes are able to react faster and more accurately, evenin more complicated situations.
- 2011-12-00
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