- 論文の詳細を見る
Niigataken chuetsu-oki earthquake attacked the area where hundreds of small and medium-sized produciton firms concentrate most of which manufacure metal parts, industrial machines, and other related materials. The author visited some industrial parks in Kashiwazaki-shi on five days after the incidence to investigate and grasp dameges of manufacturing machines or apparatuses at the workshops and saw very immediate recoveries in spite of very severe condition like frequent occurrence of displacement or falling of equipments. This paper reports the resultant knowledge by field research carried out on the day and some following additional works. For example fixation of machines using anchor bolts was so effective to damage suppression, however, a lot of bolts fractured also. Later part of this report shortly treats remaining issues to be improved: designing and implementation of business continuity plan, risk management, and information delivery using internet environment.
- 新潟大学災害復興科学センターの論文
- 2008-00-00
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