- 論文の詳細を見る
It was most important to understand the behaviour of fish in case of the betterment of the current fishing gear and methods or the development of the fishing method by acoustics. This investigation has been attempted to provide for the prediction of the response action of fish to acoustic sound. As the acoustic sounds for stimuli, the pure tones of the sine wave form at the frequencies of 500, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000 and 6000 Hz were used. The over all length of the silver crucian carp, Carassius auratus (Japanese name HIBUNA) used in the experiment was 42mm in overall length and 3.45g. in weight. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The characters of the response action were obtained by the statistical analysis of the stochastic processes, and this method was effectual. 2) The behaviour of the fish under the stimulus had two-sidedness, i. e., two contrary tendencies to rise or to diminish the action which the fish had shown at no stimulus. These tendencies depended on the frequencies. 3) In this experiment, the frequency equivalent to the boundary of two-sidedness mentioned above was 900 Hz, which was in agreement with the resonance frequency of the air bladder of the fish.体長42mm,体重3.45gの『ヒブナ』を用いて,入力として8種類の周波数の刺激純音を与え,これに対する魚の反応行動解析を試みた。実験の結果は次の通りであった。1) 不規則な生物行動現象の解析においても確率過程としての取扱いが有効であった。2) 魚の音に対する反応行動現象は音の周波数の相違により運動がより活発になる傾向と逆に不活発となる傾向の二面がある。3) 上記した二面性の境界ともいうべき音の周波数は魚のうき袋の共振周波数と一致しており,反応行動とうき袋の役割りとの関係が充分考えられる。
- 長崎大学水産学部の論文
- 1975-08-00
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