姿勢による非言語的情報の読み取りに及ぼす性別および性役割の影響 : 予備的報告
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38 undergraduates (18 males and 20 females) were asked to imagine others who took nine postures (for example, "the slump posture", "the backward posture"). After the imaginations ession, they were asked to evaluate the impression of the others who had taken these postures with 16 items on 9 point scales. Moreover, they were asked to answer the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1974). In this report, the analysis of impressions of the others who had taken "the slump posture" was addressed. "The slump posture" impressed the subjects disappointedly, diffidentally, sadly, vacillatingly, and with an inferiority complex. Sex difference was not obtained in this impression. But, as results of the sex role score, lower masculinity or higher femininity in male subjects tended to evaluate these negative impressions from "the slump posture" emphatically. Moreover, although it was not so remarkable, lower masculinity or higher femininity in female subjects did so. The relationship between receiving of non—verbal information with posture and the sex role was discussed.
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- 姿勢による非言語的情報の読み取りに及ぼす性別および性役割の影響 : 予備的報告