Duration of untreated psychosis and average 13-year outcome in first admission schizophrenia
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Combining retrospectively investigated duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and data from the previously reported 13-year outcome study of first-admission schizophrenic patients treated in Jichi Medical University Hospital, relationship between DUP and 13-year outcome was examined. The mean DUP of 62 identified patients with schizophrenia was 8.7 months, and the median was one month. The 47 followed-up subjects were divided into two groups according to their rating on Eguma's Social Adjustment Scale: a favorable outcome group and an unfavorable outcome group. In addition, they were divided into other two groups according to length of DUP (cutoff point was two weeks) : a brief DUP group and a long DUP group. However, no statistically significant relationship between both couple of groups was found, the long DUP patients tended to belong to the unfavorable group.
- 自治医科大学の論文
- 2012-03-00
自治医科大学 | 論文
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