- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article, we describe how management philosophy affects corporate performance.For this purpose, we conducted experimental and statistical analyses on two corporations and clarified causal relationships between management philosophy and members' performance(their commitment, motivation, contribution, etc.).At the beginning, we introduced three variables, which make it easier for us to understand how individuals treat management philosophy: (1) reflecting philosophy on actual behavior, (2)knowing and understanding philosophy, and (3) having sympathy for philosophy.Using the results of the experimental research, we explore a persuasive model, which satisfactorily explains how those variables indirectly affect corporate performance via other factors. Second, with this model, we describe, for example, the way senior officers treat management philosophy influences the extent to which followers accept the philosophy. We also suggest that a sense of unity and solidarity helps members take the philosophy seriously. Third, we discuss how management philosophy triggers innovative behavior in organizations.The point we have tried to make in this article is that the more deeply and widely management philosophy permeates an organization, the higher and the stronger performance (of individuals) could be achieved.
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