企業の市場競争力と倫理法令遵守マネジメント・システム : ECS2000プロジェクトの狙いと課題
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This article sheds light on three topics. First, the general structure of the ECS2000 and its main characteristics are explained. Second, seven reasons why the ECS2000 was made are clarified. They are: (1) to establish some framework, which makes it possible for individual organizations to do business in a fair and responsible way; (2) to remove implicit pressures on organizational members; (3) to alter organizational culture; (4) to promote institutionalization of business ethics;(5) to respond to occurring legal/social/institutional changes; (6) to fulfil requirements based upon social contracts between society and organizations; and(7) to turn business ethics into a competitive edge, by forming a business ethics disclosure standard. Third, regarding how to encourage individual organizations to take business ethics much more seriously, a number of ethical challenges are described. Among them are business ethics awards, ethical rating, ethics/compliance certification, and ethical/social screening.
- 2000-03-31
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