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[Abstract] We have studied the efficiency of fission neutrons from the nuclear reactor of Kinki University (UTRKINKI) and X-rays to chromosomes of higher plants for over 20 years. In this review, we described (1) the development of bio-dosimeter using hyper-sensibility of germinating onion roots for irradiation, (2) the analysis of chromosome structure in Haplopappus gracilis (Asteraceae), with the special reference of latent centromeres and survived telomeres throughout chromosomal evolution, (3) the experimental studies on the induction of chromosomal rearrangement in Zebrina pendula (Commelinaceae), (4) the behavior of chromosome fragments with non-localized centromeres in Carex and Eleocharis (Cyperaceae), and (5) the possibility as a bio-dosimeter of pollen mother cells of Tradescantia paludosa (Commelinaceae) for the detection of low-dose radiation.
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- 学生参画活動としてのフレンドシップ事業 : 継続的活動とするために
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- フレンドシップ事業の教育評価
- フレンドシップ事業をとおしてみる学生参画型授業
- 南アフリカ共和国の理科教員の現状と課題
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- 〈総説〉核分裂中性子及びX線による植物の染色体突然変異の研究--近畿大学原子炉等利用共同研究20年の総括