- 論文の詳細を見る
Care-taking behavior of male mice, paternal behavior, increases after the parturition of their mate. The important factor is their experience, mating and cohabitation with pregnant female, and hormonal change during and following the birth of the litter. At parturition, males are exposed to amniotie fluid, placenta, newborns, and other stimuli. We conducted three experiments to ensure the role of hormone (prolactin and testosterone) and experience of males (mating and cohabitation, amniotic fluid, placenta, and newborns). Plasma prolactin of fathers was higher than virgin males and males which experienced mating and cohabitation with female (MC), but there was no difference in plasma testosterone. Duration of care-taking behavior was different from hormonal level: fathers had the highest duration, MC the second, and virgin males the lowest. Care-taking behavior increased when prolactin was injected to MC, and when amniotic fluid, placenta and cesarean-delivered fetuses were presented to them one day before parturition. Mating and cohabitation with female were not enough for males to be paternal. Stimuli at parturition are necessary for them, and then would cause prolactin increase.
- 滋賀大学教育学部の論文
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