- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Ring mosaic strain, a virus disease of pepper occured in nature on the variety "Sisi-togarasi" with large bright yellow mottlings on the leaves. When inoculated, the virus produced distinct rings or mottlings on the varieties "Nikko", and "Takanotume"; while "Yatuhusa", "Okinawa- ' zairai", and one or two other varieties formed primary local nectrotic spots on the inoculated leaves and the new leaves developed normally. 2. The virus affects various solanaceous plants, but is not transmissible to cucurbits. On Datura stramonium, Nicotiana glutinosa, N. repanda, and N. longiflora the virus forms primary necrotic spots on the inoculated leaves; while on two or three other solanaceous plants it forms bright yellow mottlings on the young eaves, and on Nicotiana tabacum, N. glauca, and Solanum sisymbrifolium makes distinct rings. 3. The virus retains its infectivity at 1:100.000 dilution,, but not at 1:1.000.000. The virus is inactivated when exposed to 90°C. for 10 minutes. 4. However the nature of the virus approaches to tobacco mosaic virus, it will be a strain of this virus (NICOTIANAV IRUS 1 (MAYER)A LLARD)f or the distinct ring markings on the Nicotiana tabacum, etc. and yellow mottlings on the Physalis angulata , and Solanum nigrum are different from those viroses caused by tobacco common mosaic virus.本文に載せたる蕃椒のモザイク病は自然の發病葉には廣く鮮黄色の斑入を生じ, 接種により品種日光及鷹爪等の新葉には黄色の著明なる斑入を現はし, 八房及沖繩在來種等の接種葉には局部性の壤疸状斑點を形成し新葉は正常なる發育をなす。本病は茄科の各種植物を侵し, 瓜類には感染せず。Datum stramonium, Nicotiana glutinosa, N. repanda等の接種葉には局部性の壤疽状斑點を生じ, 共他の二, 三の茄科植物の新葉に顯著なる黄色の斑入を生ず。而して煙草, Nicotiana glauca, N. paniculata, Solanum sisymbrifolium 等の葉片には著明なる輪紋を作るを特徴とす。本病毒が煙草を侵したる場合其發育に及ぼす影響は煙草普通モザイク病毒より小なるも無接種煙草に比すれば發育甚だ劣る。本病毒を1:100, 000に稀譯したる場合にも尚感染力を有し, 1:1, 000, 000の稀釋によりて初めて感染力を失ふ。其温度との關係を見るに90℃附近にて感染力を失ふ。以上の各性質は煙草モザイク病毒 (NICOTIAN A VIRUS 1)及著者等が曩に研究したる蕃茄のアオキバモザイク病毒 (NICOTIANA VIRUS 1C) 竝に煙草モザイク病の白斑系に類似し, 異なるところは四, 五の茄科植物に顯著なる輪紋と鮮明なる黄色の斑入を生ずる點に於て異なるを以て本病々毒を煙草モザイク病毒 (NICOTIANA VIRUS 1 (MAYER) ALLARD) の中に入れ共一輪紋系とせり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
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