- 論文の詳細を見る
1. An account on the experiment dealing with the "yellow tobaco mosaic" or " tomato aucuba mosaic " of tomato is given. 2. The symptoms of the virus disease under consideration are identical with those shown by tomato aucuba mosaic, and its various properties in general coincide with Nicotiana virus 1 C. 3. Datura stramonium, Nicotiana glutinosa and N. sanderae produce primary local lesions on the inoculated leaves ; and many other solanaceous plants form yellow mottlings on the new leaves. 4. The virus is very resistant to high temperature and chemicals, and retainjits infectivity for more than a year when kept in test tubes.本文には蕃茄に現はれたる "yellow tabacco mosaic" 又は "aucuba mosaic" の實驗成績を掲げたり。同病毒は其病徴は、"tomato aucuba mosaic" に又其病毒の性質は全體を通じて Tabacco Virus 6 (NICOTIANA VIRUS 1C BEWLEY) に酷似す。Datura alba, D. stramonium, Nicotiana glutinosa 及 N. sanderae には接種葉には初發局部性の壤疽状斑點を生じ, 多數の茄科植物の新葉には黄色の斑入を生ず。本病毒は熱及化學藥品に對する抵抗力強く, 試驗管内に於ては1箇年以上に亙り感染力を保有す。病毒は種子によりて越冬せず。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1940-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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