日本に於ける細菌寄生の植物病害 : (八) Bacterium Solanacearum の新寄主植物
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The wilt diseases of dahlia and beans were produced during the high temperature of summer. The wilt di s e ases of dahlia is identical with the one which Dr. S. HORI had described previously. Being the d iseases of the vascular boundles, when the affected area is cross sectioned, discoloration of the vascular bundles is noted. When it is observed microscopically the vessels were found to be filled with the causal bacterial organisms. The two strains of the bacteria from dahlia and beans respectively, together with the two known strains of Bacterium solanacearum isolated from tobacco and tomato were all cross inoculated separately into four plants mentioned above. Every plant showed the typical wilt symptoms. The two varieties of bacteria, when compared physiologically, are identical with Bacterium solanacearum.天竺牡丹及菜豆には高温なる夏期麥凋性の病害を發生することありて, 天竺牡丹の立枯病は曩に堀博士によりて報告せられたる青枯病の病徴と一致す。何れも維管束系の病害にして被害部を横斷する時は維管束は變色し, 之を鏡檢する時は導管内に細菌の充滿するを認む。2種の細菌は煙草及蕃茄より分離したると共に上述の各植物に接種せしに何れも寄生して立枯病或は青枯病固有の病状を呈して發病せしめたり。此2種の細菌は培養及生理的性質を通じて何れも Bact. solancearum に一致せり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1940-07-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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