日本に於ける細菌寄生の植物病害 : 2. 罌粟の腐敗病
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In this paper is described a soft rot of opium poppy, due to a bacterial pathogene. The disease attacks shoot and stem showing purplish brown or dark brown lesions which become rot in watery appearance. The causal organism is different from Bac. Papaveris, Bac. carotovorus and Bac. aroideae, those causing soft rot of poppy in the presence of mono-polar flagella and minor differences are noticed in cultural characters of agar and milk. The organism is pathogenic to Papaver somniferum, P. Rhoeas and P. orientale. As for as are known no bacteria are described identical with the organism is question, therefore Bacterium Papaveris is proposed for the organism with technical descriptions.花卉として栽培せらるる罌粟科の植物中には細菌の寄生に因りて屡々腐敗を生ずることあり, 筆者は曩に Bacillus aroideae の寄生に因るヒナゲシ (Papver Rhoeas L.) の腐敗病を記載し, C. S. RAM. AYYAR は India に於て garden poppy に Bac. aroideae に酷似する細菌 Bacillus Papaveris の寄生する軟化腐敗病を記載せり。然るに筆者は昭和十年花卉として栽培する罌粟 P. somniferum L. の軟化腐敗病部より分離せる細菌は前記の細菌よりも異なり極毛細菌に屬し罌粟科の植物には良く感染し軟化腐敗を生ずるも其他の野菜類には寄生力弱き性質を有することを明らかにせり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1935-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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