土壌の "Texture" と水稻の成育
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On the dry land conditions, the factor which, in relation to the soil texture, affects plant growth the most is the moisture condition. When irrigated abundantly, as in the case of rice culture, however, the moisture being sufficient, the nutrient-supplying condition of the soil and the root activities play a more important role, which differ according to the soil texture. Each of the factors involved in the rice yield―the number of tillers, the ratio of the number of heading tillers to the total, the number of spikelets per ear, the ratio of fertility and the weight of grains of an unit number,―appears to be affected by the nutritive condition of the plant at the period when the respective process is taking place, and with the same factors of aeration, the nutritive condition of the plant would in turn be determined by the nutrient-supplying power of the soil and the root activities. From such a view point, and in order to study the effects of the soil texture, the method of manuring and the percolation of irrigated water on the plant growth, the experiments presented here were performed.水稻栽培の目的たる玄米收量を構成する諸因子たる分蘖, 其の有效率, 一穗の籾數, 稔實歩合, 並に種實充實の良否等は, 夫々時期を異にして其の時の植物の榮養状態によつて決定される。故に多收を得んと欲せば, 發育各期に於ける植物の榮養状態を適當にせねばならぬ。然るに各期の植物の榮養状態は同じ氣象状態の下に於ては其の時の土壤の養分供給能と植物の根の吸收力とによつて決定される。而して土壤の養分供給能は同じ量の養分に對しては土壤の肥料吸收力によつて定まるし, 其の時存在する養分量は同種同量の肥料に對しては分解の遲速に關係する。更に之が根によつて吸收されるものである以上, 根の發達状態の關係から, 斯る養分が土層間に如何に分布されてゐるかゞ問題になる。根の發達や機能が土壤の通氣状態の良否によつて左右されることはいふ迄もない。此等の諸状態に對して土壤の Texture, 施肥法及び灌概水の滲透の如何が如何に影響し, 從て上記の收量榜成の諸因子が如何に左右されるかに就て實驗したものが本研究である。
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