日本産鳥羽蛾科の研究 : (II) DEUTEROCOPUS, ADAINA, MARASMARCHAの三屬及び二新屬一新種に就いて
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Forehead without tuft. Antennae in male minutely ciliated from base to apex. Palpi moderate, ascending, slender, terminal joint moderate, pointed. Tibiae more or less thickened with scales at origin of spurs. Fore wings bifid, cleft at a little before middle ; vein II from lower angle of cell, veins III and IV stalked, veins V and VI very short, vein VII from inferior angle of cell, long, veins IX and X stalked with vein VIII, vein" IX absent. Hind wings trifid, 3rd segment with tufts of black scales in dorsal cilia ; vein II from middle of cell, veins III and IV stalked, veins V and VI very short, VII to the apex. Orthotype, Xenopterophoram ikado HORI, sp. nov. This genus is somewhat allied to PterophomcsG EOFEROY17, 62 (= Oxyptilus ZELLER), but is quite distinct from it in the absence of vein XI in the fore wings:本編は九州帝國大學農學部昆蟲學教室所藏の標本に基く研究の結果にして, これ等の中には特に貴重な標本を寄せられし北原長次郎, 立石?, 戸澤信義, 梅野明諸氏の採集品を含む。これ等の諸氏に對し感謝の意を表す。尚ほ文獻に關して京都帝國大學教授湯淺八郎博士, 大原農業研究所春川忠吉博士, 京都帝國大學理學部瀧巖の諸氏の與へられたる御厚意, 並に本研究遂行中懇篤なる指導並に援助を賜りたる理學博士江崎教授に對し深甚なる感謝の意を表す。
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