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On examination of species of Alternaria pathogenic to cruciferous plants in Japan, the author came to the conclusion that these organisms may be classified as Alternaria Brassicae (BERK.) SACC, Alt. Brassicae (BERK.) SACC. var. macrospora SACC. and Alt. herculea (E. and M.) ELLIOTT. Alternaria Brassicae attacks mainly Brassica oleracea and its allied species, and the spores are given as 15 to 86 by 8 to 22 μ. Alt. herculea is found on Brassica chinensis, B. Rapa, B. Napella. B. oleracea and Raphanus sativus; the spores are the largest of them, measuring 70 to 260 by 14 to 26 μ. Alt. Brassicae var. macrospora attacks Raphanus sativus, Brassica oleracea, B. chinensis and other related species. The spores are medium in sizes, 60 to 150 by 10 to 23 μ. For the comparison of their cultural characters and their pathogenicity, the authentic cultures of Alternaria circinans (BERK. and CURT.) BOLLE and Alt. Brassicae (BERK.) BOLLE, both came from Centraal Bureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, were used in parallel work. From the results the former was proved to be Alt. Brassicae (BERK.) SACC. and the latter to be Alt. herculea (E. and M.) ELLIOTT.著者は我國に於て十字科蔬菜類を侵す各種系統の黑斑病菌を大別して三種類に分ち, 甘藍の黑斑病菌 = Alt. Brassicae (BERK.) SACC., 莱?の黑斑病菌 = Alt. Brassicae (BERK.) SACC. var. macrospora SACC, 白菜の黑斑病菌 = Alt. herculea (E. et M.) ELLIOTT となしたり。Alt. Brassicae は主として甘藍頻を侵し, その分生胞子は最小なり。Alt. herculea は白菜類, 蕪菁, 蕓薹, 莱?, 甘藍等を侵し, 分生胞子は最も大なり。而して Alt. Brassicae var. macrospora は莱?, 甘藍, 白菜類に發生し, 分生胞子の大さは上記兩者の中間に位せり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1933-02-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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