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The bacterial blight of mulberry, caused by Bact. Mori BOYER et LAMBERT emend F.F.S. is one of the most important diseases of the mulberry tree. In field observation this organism is always found associated with the non-pathogenic yellow bacteria specially in the later stage of the disease. The present investigation was undertaken to ascertain the relation between the pathogenic organism and its attendant. In mixed culture in the media of cane sugar broth and beef bouillon, those two bacteria, one to another, show a conspecuously antagonistic action and the growth of Bact. Mori is especially depressed in the presence of yellow bacteria. The cause of the antagonistic action is still uncertain, but from the results of my experiments it can be supposed that the higher acid or basic reaction of media produced by the growth of its attendant leads Bact. Mori to self-destruction. Optimum temperature for growth of Bact. Mori is 21 to 24℃., while the attendant 27 to 30℃.; this difference may be also responsible for the cause of their antagonistic action, at least in the later stage of the disease, where Bact. Mori is not able to attain its vigorous growth owing to its unfavoarable temperature. In the artificial culture, there is no production of toxic substances which is the cause of antagonism. The quantities of glycerine, natrium asparaginate and other chemical substances added to USCHINSKY's solution as the source of carbon or nitrogen make the difference for the growth of those bacteria. But the difference of their growth is comparatively little and not enough to be accountable for the antagonistic action of those bacteria.1. 二種の細菌が同時に存在する時其間に何等かの關係の存することは想像し得る處にして, 餘は蔗糖加肉汁培養基及肉汁培養基中に於て, 桑の細菌病菌は其隨伴菌と拮抗作用を有し, 其際特に本病原菌の發育は著しく妨げらるゝことを檢したり。2. 拮抗作用の原因に就きては, 未だ確定的にはあらざるも, 恐らく隨伴菌の發育により釀成せらるゝ高度の酸性及鹽基性反應が, 本病原菌を自滅に導くものと想像せらる。3. 兩種細菌の發育温度特に適温は, 本病原菌は21-24℃なるに反し隨伴菌は27-30℃にして, 隨伴菌は本病原菌の發育に適せざる酷熱の時期にもよく旺盛なる發育を遂げ得べし。天然に於て隨件菌が日を經るに從ひ本病原菌に代つて繁殖するは, 之がためなりと考へらる。4. 培養中には拮抗作用の原因と見らるるが如き有毒物質の生産を認めず。5. 兩種細菌はウシンスキー液に於て, その榮養素の有無及び多少により多少發育に差を生ず。然し之れによる發育の差は, 兩者の拮抗作用を説明するが如き程度のものにあらず。
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