- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to determine the effects of the reducing of leaf ares on the yields and quality of rice, experiments were carried out by cutting off leaves from potted plants in different ways, and the following results were obtained. 1. The reducing of leaf area at the time of earing effects the yields and quality very markedly; that is, the decrerse in yields and weight of a grain and the increase in number of unripe grains are observed. 2. These effects become more marked as the reduced area increases. 3. As to the relation between the position of the cut lea f and the magnitude of the effects, the results did not always agree according to the different varieties and the different years of experiment. 4. The effects are most marked when t h e operation is made at the time of stooling, and become less conspicuous as the time proceeds.水稻の出穗前後に於ける葉面積の損失が結實に及ぼす影響を驗知せんが爲, ポツトに栽培せるものに就き種々の方法により葉を剪除して其影響を觀察し, 次の成績を得たり。1) 出穗前後に於ける葉面積の損失は結實の上に著しき影響を與へ, 之が爲に玄米の收量及び完全玄米の千粒重量は減少し, 粃及び不完全玄米は増加せり。2) 此等の影響は損失葉面積の大なるに從ひ著し。3) 剪除せる葉の位置と其影響の大小との關係に就ては年により, 品種により必すしも一致せざりき。4) 剪除の時期に關しては穗孕期にせるもの共影響最も著しく, 開花期に至れば著しく輕減され其後結實の進むに從ひ漸次減少せり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1929-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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