酵母菌類の血清學的分類 (第二報)
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To investigate the interrelationship of yeasts more widely, the writers have used the following yeasts: (1) Carlsberg's bottom yeast no. 1 (Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis Hansen), (2) bottom beer yeast "Yebisu", (3) wine yeast "Johannisberg", (4) Saccharomyces ellipsoideus Hansen, (5) Saccharomyces turbidans Hansen, (6) Saccharomyces Pastorianus Hansen, (7) Saccharomyces validus Hansen, (8) Saccharomyces Sake Yabe, (9) Debaryoinyces globosus KlOcker, (10) Pichia membranaefaciens Hansen. "Ringprobe" and "Absattiguiigsverfahren" were employed in the examination of these yeasts. While methcd of preparing the maceration juices was much the same as that covered in the first report, it differed from the former in using 20 times the amount of dried yeast powder, and in incubating the mixture of yeast and water for 6 days. Carrying on the "Ringprobe" test with these m aceration juices, the writers have demonstrated that precipitin reaction could be positively recognised even in dilution as high as 2000 times. The results are summarised in the following : (1) sake yeasts, wine yeasts, and beer yeasts are to be judged to be very closely allied organisms in their serological relationship, because they are undistinguishable from each other by "Ringprobe", (2) It is a very interesting fact that Saccharounyces turbidans, Saccharomyces Pastorianus and Saccharomyces validus, which are involved in the same undergroup with Sake yeast, wine yeast and beer yeast according to Hansen's classification, and are known as the pathogenic yeasts from industrial points of view, are precisely distinguished from the latter three species which are called the useful yeasts. (3) The closely related yeasts such as sake yeast, wine yeast and beer yeast were clearly differentiated from each other by "Absattigungsverfahren". (4) The varieties of sake yeast have never been distinguished one from another by either tests. (5) In the case of the identification of yeasts, it seems to be necessary to consider the serodiagnostic results with the classifications depending upon their morphological and cultural characteristics.第一表1-10に見る如く (a) 清酒酵母菌類 (Saccharomyces Sake), 葡萄酒酵母菌類 (Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, Wine yeast "Johannisberg") 及び麥酒酵母菌類 (Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis, Bottom Beer Yeast "Yebisu") は輪環反應に依りて孰れも同樣に反應し之を麗別し難く其近縁的關係は五に接近せり。(b) HANSEN に從へば同一の Untergruppe に包括せらるゝSuccharomyces Pastorianus, Saccharomyces turbidans 及び Saccharomyces validus の如き釀造上の病源酵母菌類とも呼ぱるゝ種類は清酒酵母菌類, 葡萄酒酵母菌類及び麥酒酵母菌の如き有用酵母類とも云はるゝ種類に對して血清學的にも區別せらるゝは興味ある事實なり。第二表1-38は (c) 輪環反應に依りては類屬反應を呈する清酒酵母菌類, 葡萄酒酵母菌類及び麥酒酵母菌類の如き互に近縁なる酵母類に於ても試驗管内飽和法に依る時はかなり明瞭に相互を識別し得ることを示せり。第三表の結果は (d) 清酒酵母菌類の各種は互に區別し能はざることを明瞭ならしむ。以上の成績は從來一般に認めらるゝ酵母菌類の分類法のみに從ひ其位置を決定することは固より絶對に正確且つ必然的のものに非ず。細菌類の場合と同樣に更に血清學的觀察の結果をも考慮するの必要あることを指示するなり。
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