炭水化合物の代謝に關する研究 : 第一報 砂糖の微量定量法の比較
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I thought it is of the first importance to the reserch of carbohydrate metabolism to select a standard micro analytical method of glucose, since it is frequently needed, in the case of biological study, to perform the experiments with a small quantity of sample. From this view point the experiments were carried out and the results may be summarised as follows :- 1) Glucose was determined in a pure glucose solution, blood, and artificial mixed solutions by the methods of Benedict, Folin-Wu, Folin, Hagedorn, Shaffer-Hartmann, and Bang, among which the former three are colorirnetric methods and the latter three titration methods. 2) In the case of pure glucose solution, it was found that all the methods afford correct results at their standard concentration, but they show more or less errors when the concentration is deviated from the standard. Among the methods examined, Hagedorn's method showed the smallest amount of error. 3) Benedict's method requires the largest quantity of sample for determination and Bang's method the smallest. 4) The treatment of the colorimetric methods is generally simple but that of the titration methods more complex. 5) When blood was used as a sample, Bang's method afforded the smallest result of sugar and Benedict method the lafgest, the order being as follows Benedict > Folin-Wu > Hagedorn > Folin > Shaffer-Hartmann > Bang 6) The results obtained in the mixed solutions were as follows :? a) Every method is effected by the addition of cystine in the samples, the effect being the largest in Bang's method. b) The addition of sodium sulfide g ives too high results in Folin-Wu's method but too low results in Bang's method. Other methods are little effected. c) The addition of sodium phosphate gives too low results in Benedict's method but shows little influence upon the other methods examined. 7) From the results of experiments I came to the conclusion that Hagedorn's method is the most reliable.1) BENEDICT, FOLIN-WU, SHAFFER-HARTMANN, BANG 及び HAGEDORN の各方法を用ゐて純葡萄糖溶液, 血液, 及人工混合溶液に於て葡萄糖を定量したり。2) 純葡萄椿溶液に於ける實驗に依れば何れの方法も標準濃度の砂糖を含有する場合には正確なる價を與ふるも標準濃度以外に於ては何れも多少の誤差は免れず但し HAGEDORN-JENSEN 法は最も誤差少なるが如し。3) 所要供試料の最少なるは BANG 法にして最大なるは BENEDICT 法なり。4) 一般に比色法は操作簡單にして滴定法は複雜なり。5) 血液に於て行ぴたる定量結果は BANG 法は最小にして BENEDICT 法は最大なりき其の順位は BANG < SHAFFER-HARTMANN = FOLIN < HAGEDORM < FOLIN-WU < BENEDICT 6) Cystin の添加に依りて何れの方法も影響を被る其の影響の頗る大なるは BANG 法なり。7) 硫化曹達の添加は FOLIN-WU の方法に過大なる結果を生じ BANG の方法には過少なる結果を與ふ他の方法には影響殆んどなし。8) 燐酸曹達の添加は BENEDICT 法に過少なる結果を與へ他の方法には多少の影響あり。9) HAGEDORN-JENSEN の方法は Cystin 及鹽類の影響を被る事比較的少に最良法と考ふる事を得べし。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1928-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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