北九州所在, 傳, 雪舟作庭遺構調査報告 : (第一報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) According to my own reserch, about 17 remains referd to the subject are numberd, 15 of which I have examined. 2) Having studied their values aethetically, historically, & tecuically, I here propose a classifying table as follows :(snip) Of their very Japanese names & situations, I ask to my readers to refer to my own corresponding report in Japanese (at the top of the paragraph 2). 3) Much as I regret it, still no real history is testimonyed in relation to the traditional designer ("Sesshu") ; while the tradition itself could be gone back sometimes to more than 200 years ago or 300 perhaps. 4) With regard to their constructing materials, treatmen t s & other data, I would like to propose 2 great distinguishing types out of them. Type A. Built on some natural mountain-foot or hill-side ; front side being technically determined rather in one direction only ; artificial gardenpond or -lake ; rocking waterfall-way (water itself is scarcely going down now at least ; stone garden -bridges ; trees & bushes (such as azaleas, pines, cherrys, maples & other evergreen broad-leaves etc.) .. (Remains No. 4, 7, 11, 5, 6, 8 & 14 etc.). Type B. In t h e middle of some small artificial garden-pond or -lake, rock groups naturally (not even symbolically) representing a tortoise, upon which as well as their garden-lake side, some auspicious garden trees (based upon the Japanese old traditions,) such as pine. plume, bamboo & other are adorned, .... (Remains No. 10 & 13). 5) Type B shall be built not before than about 200 years ago perhaps.筆者は元來, 大正十五年三月職を九州帝國大學に得て同四月福岡に赴任以來, 社會の趨勢と自己の職責とに鑑み, 機會ある毎に力めて全九州所在古庭苑遺構遺址文獻等に關するせめて極大體の調査だけでも一時も早く一應完了して今後の斯道研究者への案内手引たり得る第一報を完了せんものと志し來たつたものであつて, 其の爲に, 主として昭和二年の秋に實施した前後三囘通計凡二十日間の實査旅行を初め, 公私旅行の機會ある毎に之が資料の蒐集に力めた結果, 既に福岡, 大分, 宮崎の三縣下其他に亘る大體調査の一部を完了したのである。そうして其間, 福岡, 大分兩縣下に互る傳雪舟 (A.D. 1420-1506) 作庭遺構と稱するもの凡そ十七件程の内の過半十五件が, 前述の譯合で自然一應調査濟となつたので, 茲に之が調査研究の概要を, 各遣購の個々に通する若干の總括的考察と合せ記して, 以て同學の士に報告紹介せんとする次第である。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1928-05-00
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