攀纒植物の機巧に就いて : (第二報) : (附豫報補正)
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The following relation between h, pitch of a twinning plant and r, radius of its cylindrical support explains our experiment which was made more extensively than that of previous report, h=a log r+b where a and b are constants. The characteristic radius of a twinning plant has nevertheless a meaning as far as the thickness of the support is small. Using the various plants we obtained the following values besides the corrected values of the characteristic radii of the plants formerly experimented. The formula used is h=2π(r(ρ?r))^1/2 We observed also the effect of the solar intensity as well as that of the degree of the dilution of the culture-solution upon the length of the pitch.既に豫報に於て攀纒植物の攀ぢ登る莖の作る曲線の曲率半徑は支柱の太さに無關係で, 常に一定であると云ふことに就いて述べた。吾等は更に實驗を進めて曲率半徑よりも大なる半徑を持つて居る支柱に就いて實驗し, 尚植物の種類を増加して, その理論の正否を見んとした。前報に於て得たる曲線の方程式は抛物線であつた。けれども更に計算する所に依れば, 抛物線にあらすして楕圓なるを安當とする。
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