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The writer has observed a mulberry disease caused by a bacterium, which is prevailing in Fukuoka, and Saga. The disease appears on leaves as water-soaked spots which become brown with age, lining irregular or angular outline. Sometimes it deforms the leaves on account of the vein attacked and causes black streak and canker on shoots and branches. In repeated isolations yellow bacteria associated with white h a ve been obtained. The white bacteria were proved to be pathogenic to mulberry, while the yellow were not and found always in later stage of the disease. The white bacteria are identical with Bad. Marlin con parison for cultural, morphological and physiological characters.福岡並に佐賀縣下にて採集せる桑の葉, 新梢及枝の細菌性の病害の被害部には常に同一の白色菌と共に黄色の隨伴菌を見るも病害の初期にありては單に白色菌のみを分離し病害漸次古くなるに從ひ黄色菌のみを分離するに至る。此等の黄・白二種の細菌につき菌の性質を實驗したるに白色菌は寄生性を有せるに反し菌は之を有せず。即ち桑樹の葉片を侵して斑點を作り發育中の葉脈を侵して縮葉せしめ又枝梢に黑色の潰瘍を作り或は新芽を萎凋枯死せしむるものは總て同一の白色菌の寄生に因るものにして此白色細菌は SMITH の Bact. Mori に比較することにより之を同一なることを認めたり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1927-12-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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