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According to SUMNER'S description (1926), he has succeeded in obtaining urease from jack beans in crystal forms which have the nature of globulin. As his result is of great importance from the bio-cheinical stand point, I repeated the experiment after his method, but the urease preparation obtained was not crystal and had less activity than the one described by SUMNER. For the purpose of examining whether the urease is a protein as Sumner assumes, I studied the action of proteolytic enzymes on the urease solution. Both pepsin and trypsin produced some amino acid from the urease solution, and caused a diminution of the activity of urease. But the production of amino acid and the diminution of the activity were not proportional. From these experimental results we came to the co n clusion that it is not enough to decide whether the urease is a protein or not, but there is a close relation between them.(1) SUMNER の方法を繰り返してウレアーゼの分離を試みしも得たるウレアーゼ溶液は氏の夫に比し作用力著しく弱く且其ウレアーゼ物質は結晶性ならず。(2) ウレアーゼはペプシン, トリプシンの如き蛋白分解酵素にとり其作用を害せらるる如けれども其程度は少なく且つ蛋白質の分解度と作用力減退の間に一定の關係なければ直ちにウレアーゼが蛋白質なりや否や断定する能はずと雖兩者の間に或密接の關係の存在するは之を推定し得べし。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1927-07-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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