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This reaction is equal to the well known nitroprusside reaction of cysteine except that zinc chloride is used and that is more stable and delicate. Method: To a small amount of cysteine solution under examination in a test tube and a few drops of zinc chloride solution faintly acidified with hydrochloric acid and a freshly prepared aqueous solution of sodium nitroprusside. Neutralize with ammonium hydroxide or caustic alkali solution until the precipitation of zinc hydroxide occurs. A ruby red color resulted, which soon turns yellow in the case of the ordinary method of the reaction, remains for a few hours or days in this case with zinc salt. As the reaction is based on the adsorption of the colorine matter and cysteine into the white precipitate of the hydroxide, salts of some other metals such as magnesium or alminium, which produce white precipitate of hydroxide by the neutralization of their solutions, produce an effect somewhat similar to that of zinc salt, but the latter seems to be the best, for use, of all those examined.此實驗に依ればリトマスに對し中性なる場合システイン及共赤色物は悉く鹽化亞鉛沈澱に吸着せられ, 濃液に移行せす。強アルカリ性になしたる場合濾液の着色するはクレアチニン又はアセトンに因る。システインの場合には沈澱着色し他の場合には濾液着色す。システインとインドールの混合溶液に於て水酸化亞鉛沈澱の呈色は兩者に歸す。但し其濾液をアルカリ性にして紫色を呈するはインドールのみに歸す,之れインドールは甚稀薄なる溶液に於ても全部沈澱中に吸着せられざるによる。鹽化亞鉛の存在はクレアチニン又はアセトンの反應を寧ろ防害する傾向あり。硫化水素はニトロブルシッド反應を與ふるものなれども鹽化亞鉛過剩に存在する場合には之れを呈せす。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1927-04-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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