菌核菌一名白絹病菌 (Sclerotium Rolf sii SACC.) に就いて : 第四報 : 菌核の大小, 形状と Strain との關係
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1. Specialization of the fungus, Sclerotium Rolfsii SACC., is merely based upon the shape and size of its sclerotia owing to the nature of polyxeny of the fungus and scarceness of forming the spores. The shape and size of the sclerotia, however, seem to be variable through environmental conditions. The present work was undertaken to specialize the fungus considering the effects upon the sclerotia from environmental conditions. 2. The size and shape of the sclerotia taken as an inoculum have no influence upon the shape of the sclerotia formed on its subculture, while chemical substance, concentration, and reaction of media employed for culture and temperature maintained during incubation greatly control their shape. The sclerotia reveal the real shape when the fungus cultured at optimum temperature (32℃.) in the media which contain an abundant quantity of nutrition and keep the reaction about PH 5. 4. Generally unfavorable media and temperature make their shape spherical. 3. The size of sclerotia taken a s an inoculum is independent of the size of the sclerotia formed on its subculture, while chemical substance, concentration and reaction of media and also the cultural temperature for the fungus give an influence upon their size. The relation is the same as in the shape of the sclerotia. In this case it is specially noticeable that all forty nine cultures from different localities produce the small and the same sized sclerotia measuring 0. 9 mm. in diameter under the unfavorable media and temperature. 4. The grades of influences caused by environmental conditions upon the shape and size of the sclerotia are variable according to the strains of the fungus. In general they are specially remarkable to the strains characterized by large or irregular sclerotia. 5. However the shape an d size of the sclerotia may. be influenced by the above conditions, it is relatively understood when cultured tinder the same condition that they are characteristic to the strains of the fungus. 6. The present writer undertook to find the best suitable condition in which all strains may be able to reveal their real characters distinctive to each other. From the result the standard Koji extract agar adjusted its reaction at PH 5.4 and cultural temperature at 30℃. were decided to be suitable to the specialization of the fungus. In such conditions the cultures of the fungus, forty nine in number have been specialized as shown in tables I and. II. 7. Considering the origins of the cultures, fungi forming small sclerotia 1.0 mm. in diameter are distributed in the United States of America, Philippines and West India, fungi medium, 2.0 mm. in diameter in Japan, Formosa and Korea, and fungi large, 3.0 mm. in diameter in Japan, the United States of America and South America. These distributions seem to have some significance upon their origins.1. 元來菌核菌一名白絹病菌はPolyxenyの著しき例に屬し, 尚未だ廣く胞子を發見し得ざるを以て從來は單に菌核の形状, 大小を以て其の特性とせり。然るに菌核の形状, 大小は外圍の状況によりて著しき變化あり。故に外圍の状況を無視せし菌核の特性は殆んど價値なきものと見るを得べし。著者は先づ菌核の形状, 大小に影響すべき種々の原因につきて研究し, 次で菌核の形状大小に影響少き状況を檢出し, 此状況の下にて菌核を作り, 之れによりて本菌の特性を論ぜんとせり。2. 先づ菌核の形状につきて見るに, inoculum の形状, 大小は菌核の形状に全く影響なきも, 培養基の種類, 濃度, 反應及温度は著しき影響あり。即ち菌核は麹汁寒天, 醤油寒天, 含蔗糖寒天に於ては主として原形をとり, 肉汗寒天 THORNTON 寒天, CZAPEK 寒天, 馬鈴薯寒天に於ては凡て球形をとる。尚菌核は培養基の濃度の高きときには原形に, 濃度を減ずるに從ひ次第に球形に化す。又培養墓の反應が約 PH. 5.4の時に最もよく原形を現はし, 之れを遠ざかるに從ふて球形をとる。之れにより培養基は榮養の良好にして反應の約 PH 5.4 の場合にのみ菌核の原形を發現せしめ, 榮養及反應の不適當なるに從ひて共の形状を制限するものと考へらる。菌核は最適温度 (32℃) の時に主として原形をとり, 之れを遠ざかるに從ふて次第に球形に化す, 之れも温度の不適が菌核の形状を制限するを示すものにして, 菌核は凡て不況の状態に於ては球形をとるものと考らる。3. 次で菌核の大小に就て見るに, inoculum の大小は全く菌核の大小には影響なきも, 培養基の種類, 濃度, 反應及温度は著しき影響を有す。即ち菌核は麹汁寒天にては大に, 醤油寒天, 含甘蔗糖寒天, 馬鈴薯寒天, TIIORNTON 寒天之れに次ぎ, 肉汁寒天にては最も小なり, 且つ菌核は培養基の濃度が高きときには大に, 濃度が減ずるに從ふて次第に小に, 終には何れの菌も約同一大さ (約0.9mm.) に歸す。又菌核は培養基の反應の約 PH 5.4 の時に最も大に, 之れを遠ざかるに從ふて小となる。之れ菌核は培養基の榮養の良好にして反應の約 PH 5.4 の場合に原形をとり, 榮養及反應の不良に及ぶに從ふて次第に抑制せられ, 絡には小にして常に同一大さをとる。菌核は又最適温度 (32℃) の時に原形をとり之れを距るに從ふて次第に制限せられて小形となる。菌核は凡て不況の状態に於ては何れも共の大さ小となり, 終には約同一の大さ (約O.9mm.) をとるものと考へらる。4, 以上の状況が菌核の形状, 大小に及ぼす影響は菌の種類によりて一樣ならす, 概して大なる菌核を有する菌は小なる菌核を有する菌に比して其の影響を受くること大に, 又不正形の菌核を有する菌は球形の菌核を有する菌に比して共の影響を受くること大なり。5. 菌核の形状, 大小は以上の如く種々なる原因によりて著しく影響せらるるも, 共の形状及大小は夫々各 Strain に特定にして種々なる影響の下に於てよく關係的に其の特性を證することを得。6. 之れにより著者は菌夫々の特性を最もよく發現し得べき状況, 即ち規定の麹汁寒天培養基を作り, 之れの反應を PH 5.4 となし, 之れに 49 Origin の菌即ち 35 Strain の菌を扁平培養し, 之れを30℃に保ちて菌核を形成せしめ, 其の菌核につき形状及大小を論ぜり。表1及表2をを參照すべし。7. 菌核の大小を産地につきて見るに, 小型 (1.0mm内外) の菌核を有する菌は北米, 比律賓, 西印度に, 中型 (2.0mm内外) の菌核を有する菌は日本, 朝鮮, 臺灣に, 而して大型 (3.0mm内外) の菌核を有する菌は日本, 北米及南米に分布す。而して菌核の形状は産地につきては殆んど關係なきが如し。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1927-04-00
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