蠶兒の化學的研究 : 第一 液状絹の凝固と水素イオン濃度の關係に就て : 第二 絹質生成期間に於ける蠶體蛋白質のチロシン, トリプトファン及びシスチンの定量的變化
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PART I : So called liquid-silk which is a colloidal silk solution in the silk glands of Bombyx mori has negative electric charge and is readily coagulated by the addition of some acid. For the purpose to determine the effect of hydrogen ion concentration upon the liquid-silk acetic, hydrochloric, lactic, phosphoric and oxalic acids were used. The optimum coagulation-point were PH 1.3 and 3.9. The later point is very near to the isoelectric point of sericin. : PART II : Cystine content in the proteins of silk worms and pupa was determined by OKUDA'S iodine method. The content in the total body protein or in total dry matter decreased gradually during the development of the worms or in the course of silk formation, as silk contains very little cystine. After spinning the cocoon or the excretion of silk, most of the cystine remains in pupa. Tryptophane content was determined by the colorimetric metho d of MAY and ROSE, and its quantitative changes was found to be somewhat similar with that of cystine. Tyrosine c ontent in the total body protein which was determined by the method of FOLIN and DENIS, on the contrary, increased accompanied with the silk formation, as silk is rich in tyrosine.第一 : 液状蛹は其水溶液又は蠶體中に於ては陰電性の膠質粒子を有し酸の添加により容易に凝固す, 而して種々の酸を用いて研究したる結果によれば其凝固は水素イオン濃度に關係するものにして PH 價 1.3 及び 3.9 の二點が最適濃度なり而して PH 價 3.9 は殆セリシンの等電荷點に一致するものとす。 : 第ニ : 1. 蠶兒及蛹に於てシスチン及びトリプトファンの存在を證明せり。 2. シスチンは絹質生成と共に蠶兒の乾物及び粗蛋白質に對して少々減少し榮繭後又蛹に増加す, 是れシスチン含有量微量なる絹蛋白の生成によりて組織の蛋白が稀薄せられたるが爲なり, 蛹に於てシスチン含量の高きは熱蠶蛋白中の大部分のシスチンは蛹蛋白を形成するに用ひらるゝが爲なり, 而してシスチンは殆ど體蛋白に偏在して絹蛋白中に存することは極めて少量なり。3. トリプトファンも亦稍シスチンと相似たる傾向を有す。4. チロシンは前二者と反對に絹質の生成と共に増加し, 蛹に於て減少す, 是れ絹蛋白に偏在する爲なり。5. 然れども百頭につきて考ふれば是等三者は共に増加し各々の間に多少増加率の差あり。
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