菌核菌一名白絹病菌 (SOLEROTIUM ROLFSII SACC,)に就て : 第三報 : 菌核菌の胞子型及之れと HYPOCHNUS CENTRIFUGUS (LEV) TUL., H. SOLANI PRILL. ET DELACR., H. CUCUMERIS FR. との系統的關係並に STAH. との種類的關係に就て
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The presence of spores in S. Rolfsii has not been proved with the samples of foreign origin and therefore the fungs generally is known as sterile. But the formation of spores is rightly expected referring to other fungi similar to it. In 1919 SAWADA in Formosa found the spores in the fungus which he obtained from a diseased camphor tree. He referred the fungus to Hypochnus centrifugus in respect to the form and size of the spores, and also considered the names of H. Solani and H. Cucumeris as its synonyms. As to his judgement the argument has arisen and especially the materials which he used as S. Rolfsii remains in question. The present work was undertaken to discover the spores of the fungus and to make clear the genetic relationships of the fungus to H. centrifugus, H. Solani and H. Cucumeris. In addition the effect was also made to clear the specific relationship of the fungus to S. coffeicolum. To these ends a thorough comparative study of morphology and cultural features was made. The cultures of S. Rolfsii employed in this work, 33 strains in number, represented the strains from Japan, Korea, the United States of America, Philippines, Java and West Indies, widely separated geographically. The cultures of H centrifugus was received from Formosa and those of H. Solani and S. coffeicolum from Holland ; those being considered as authentic type cultures of the fungi. During summer of 1925 the writer discovered the spores in three strains of the fungus, two from Japan and other from America. Those strains had been inoculated on the crown of sugar beet and the stem of conjak plant (Amorphophallus Konjac). From the cultural and morphological studies, especially in the form and size of spores, the writer is inclined to believe that the fungus is quite identical with H. centrifugus and therefore H. centrifugus (LEV.) TUL should be applied to the perfect form of S. Rolfsii. As to the relationship of H. Solani to H. centrifugus it is regarded that they are different in color of mycelia and activity of forming sclerotia, and moreover that the sterile form of H. Solani is referable to Rhizoctonia Solani as proved by DUGGAR. Also as to H. Cucumeris it is assumed that this is not referable to H. centrifugus but to H. Solani. S. coffeicolum established by STAHEL is proved to group into S. Rolfsii as a strain by comparative study of cultural features. The results obtained lead briefly to conclude as follows: Sclerotiumn Rolfsii SACC. = Hypochnus centrifugus (LEV.) TUL. : Rhizoctonia Solani KUHN = H. Solani PRILL. et DELACR. (= Corticium vagum B. et C.)≒ H. Cucurneris FR.菌核菌 (Sclerotium Rolfsii SACC.) は廣く分布し加害甚しきものにして, 從來幾多の學者によりて研究せられたるに拘らず其の胞子型は未だに發見せらるゝに至らず。獨り澤田兼吉は本菌の胞子を發見して之れを Hypochnus centrifugus と檢定せしも, 氏は尚本菌の胞子型として H. Solani, H. Cucumeris を擧げしを見れば, 氏が S. Rolfsii と認むべきものにつきては種々の議論なきにあらず。著者は日本, 朝鮮, 北米, 南米, 瓜哇, 西印度, 比律賓等より S. Rolfsii の各 Strain を得, 1921年來胞子の形成に務めしに内著者及瀧元清透の日本にて得たる二 Strain 及 WHETZEL より得たる一 Strain に於て, 胞子の成生せしを發見するを得たりき。之れによれば S. Roifsii の胞子型は屬に納むべきものと認めらる。尚之れを澤田氏の H. centrifugus 並に其の Sterile form と比較するに, 形態は全く相一致し唯 Strain を異にするのみなることを知れり。尚之れを TULASNE の記載に徴するに相一致するを以て, S. Rolfsii の胞子型は H. centrifugus なりと認むることを得。H. centrifugus と H. Solani との種類的關係につきては澤田氏は此等を同一と認むるも, 著者は H. Solani の原菌と比較して其の異るべきを確め, H. Solani の Sterile form としては DUGGAR と同じく Rhizoctonia Solani を認めたり。尚 H. centrifugus と H. Cucumerisとにつきても, 亦澤田氏は此等を同一となすも, 著者の文獻より得たる考詮によれば, H. Cucumeris は H. centrifugus とは別種にして寧ろ H. Solai 即ち Corticium vagum に一致すぺきものなるを知れり。故に著者は Sclerotium Rolfsii SACC. = Hypochnus centrifugus (Liv.) TUL. : Rhizoctonia Solani KUHN = Corticium vagum B. et C. = Hypochnus Solani PRILL. et DELACR. ≒ H. Cucumeris FR. : S. coffeicolum につきては從來は獨立せる一種と認めたるも, 比較研究するにと S. Rolfsii と同一種と認むべきものにして其の一 Strain と見做すを至當なりと信ず。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1926-06-00
九州帝國大學農學部 | 論文
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