菌核菌一名白絹病菌 (SCLEROTIUM ROLFSII SACC.) に就て : 第一報 : 嫌燭現象と種類との關係
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(1) Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc., which causes a root rot of cereals and vegetables prevails in Kyushu, Honshu, Korea and a part of Shikoku, causing serious damages to every crops specially tobacco and sugar beet. The present investigation was undertaken primarily to determine the systematic relationship of the fungus, which has been in dispute on account of its nature of non-spore formation. The phenomenon of aversion is specially dealt with in this paper to solve the question. (2) The phenomenon of aversion can be classified into two types : the first is the mutual aversion which is established when colonies on the same plate inoculated side by side avert each other, and the second is the one-sided aversion in which the aversion takes place only in one inoculurn, while the other remains indifferent. (3) The aversion either mutual or one-sided, occurs between different strains of the fungus, but between inocula of one and the same strain it does not. When aversion occurs, it is to be concluded that the inocula in question are of different strains but when it does not, that they are of the same strain. Both the width of the averted region which is found in the case of mutual aversion and the distinctness of the averted line which is seen when one-sided aversion takes place, appear to have some significance upon the affinity among strains. (4) The phenomenon is persistent and is established through all the staes of growth. Difference in size of the sclerotium used as inoculum has no influence on the phenomenon even in distinctness of occurrence. (5) Factors such as the properties of the culture media, the kinds of host, temperature and light seem to have no visible influence upon the phenomenon. (6) As the results of repeated experiments based upon the phenomenon escribed above, cultures of the fungus obtained from Japan, Philippines, Java, East Indies and the United States of America, forty seven in number, have been found to be referable to thirty three strains.菌核菌 (Sclerotiuna Rolfsii SACC.) は Hypochnus centrifugus (LEV.) TUL. の Storile form に過ぎずとなすもも, 未だ一般に胞子を發見するに至らざるを以て, 茲には暫く菌核菌の學名として S. Rolfsii を用ふることゝせり。從來 S. Rolfsii を單一種なりとなすものと, 然らざるものとありて其の説相半はす。斯る所以のものは, 本菌が一般に胞子を形成せざること, 並に共の形態及寄生性が變化性及適應性に富むがためなりとす。今本菌に屬する種々の培養より任意に a, b なる二個の inoculum をとり, 之を Petri-dish に對待培養するときには, A. a, b は相互に生長して相錯綜し, 全く區別し難き一個の colony を作るか, B. 或は a, b は相接近するに從ふて生長は次第に減退し, 終に a は生長を止むに拘らず b は再び生長を同復して a の上を蔽ふに至る。この場合には a の生長の停止せし點に於て劃線を作る, C. 或は a, b は相接近するに從ふて兩者共に生長を止め, 終には明瞭なる狹き無菌帶を作ることあり。この場合に B 及 C の現象を嫌觸現象と稱し, Bを半嫌觸現象 C を兩嫌觸現象と稱せんとす。而して A は同一 Strain を, 又 B 及 C は異れる Strain を對待培養せし時に生ず。尚逆にAを呈する時には同一 Strain なること並に B 及 C を呈する時には異る Strain なることを認め得たり。嫌燭現象は不變性にして, 一度生せし時には終始變ることなく, 又永續性を有し, 生長の各期を通じ又各代次に亘りて持續し, 且つ incculum の大小によりて變化することなし。此現象は, 外園の状態に對しても亦全く影響せらるゝことなく, 培養基の種類, 反應, 温度, 明暗及寄主植物の種類によりて變化することなし。茲に於て餘は此の嫌觸現象を應用して, 從來論議せられし S. Rolfsii の種類問題を明かにせんとし, 廣く材料を九州, 本州, 朝鮮, 北米, 比律賓, 瓜哇, 印度及酉印度に求めて四十七を得, 之を三十三 Strain に識別するを得たり。即ち S. Rolfsii には少くとも三十三 Strain の存在することを認め得たり。
- 九州帝國大學農學部の論文
- 1925-09-00
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