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A 21-year-old man was referred to our hospital for further examination of an abdominal tumor. He had a two-month history of abdominal fullness and lower abdominal pain,and was found to have a large abdominal tumor which was palpable and was confirmed by computed tomography (CT). Additional imaging examinations such as ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed that the mass grew from the omentum and consisted of many small cysts and a solid component. From these findings it was diagnosed as lymphangioma and surgical resection of the tumor was conducted. The abdominal cavity was occupied by a large polycystic tumor which originated from the greater omentum and adhered to the stomach,spleen and pancreas. The greatest diameter of the tumor was 39 cm and the section was cavernous,containing reddish-brown serous fluid. It was diagnosed histopathologically as cavernous lymphangioma without malignancy. Although omental lymphangioma is relatively rare, especially in adults, it should be considered as a possible cause of a rapidly growing abdominal mass. Shinshu Med J 60 : 15-20, 2012
- 2012-02-10
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