養護教諭養成課程における人体解剖見学実習の意義 : テキストマイニング手法による感想文の分析<教育科学>
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The purpose of this study was to make clear the meaning of anatomical dissection practice by observation in training course for Yogo Teacher (YT). The practice reports of free description written by 111 university students were used for analysis by utilizing text mining methods. The investigation was carried out every January from 2007 to 2011. The main findings were as follows; 1) There were a lot of word class of the phrases described in the reports in order of the noun (53.60%), the verb (27.59%), the adverb (8.02%), and the adjective (3.73%). 2) The extracted main nouns were "body," "man," "myself " "internal organ," and "experiment," etc. 3) In addition, the words that link to those nouns were "body_ structure, mechanism, wonderful, great, take good care," "human_ it is different," "myself_ body, lacking study," "internal organ_ observe, touch," "experience_ make use," etc. From the above, it was construed that the observation practice of analysis object offered the opportunity for the consideration about "life" and "body" as well as the opportunity for acquirement of knowledge for anatomy and physiology, the consideration about "individually," and recognition of a YT's mission.
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- 養護教諭養成課程における人体解剖見学実習の意義 : テキストマイニング手法による感想文の分析
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- タイトル無し