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In this study, to clarify the effects of the intervention of somatosensory information on standing posture and performance, we investigated the center of pressure (COP) during standing on different floor surfaces in seven healthy young subjects. Subjects were asked to stand on three different floor surfaces including a hard surface, a patterned indented surface and a foam cushion surface and to perform static and dynamic balance tasks with their eyes open or closed on one leg or both legs. The postural stability was assessed with the COP sway by calculating the standard deviation of the ordinate data of the COP. The postural mobility was assessed with forward, backward and total voluntary maximum displacements from the center of the force plate. The COP sway during the eye-closed condition was increased more than that during the eye-open condition. The total and backward COP displacement decreased significantly during the eye-closed conditions compared with the eye-open conditions. The performance of the static and dynamic balance tasks on the foam cushion was significantly lower than on the other surfaces. Our findings show that changes in the floor surface lead to differences in the stability and mobility of the standing posture in healthy young subjects.<和文要約>健常若年者7名を対象に足底接地面、つまり、床面の違いが立位バランス能力に及ぼす影響について調べた。被験者は立位での静的バランス課題と動的バランス課題を開眼または閉眼、両脚または片脚立位の状況で行った。計測は床反力計上で行われ、床面条件は床反力計の上に何も置かない、足底刺激板、発泡クッションを床反力計の上に設置した3条件とした。静的バランス課題時の動揺量をCOP前後方向の座標データの標準偏差値で算出した。動的バランス課題時の床反力計の中心から前後方向へのCOPの最大移動距離と総移動距離を求めた。閉眼時のCOP動揺量は開眼時に比べ増大し、前方向を除くCOP移動距離は閉眼時で開眼時に比べ有意に低下した。発泡クッション上での成績が静的および動的バランス課題とも最も低かった。今回の研究から、床面の違いが健康若年者の立位バランスに影響を与えることが明らかとなった。
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