20代に見られる断定の助動詞「だ」を伴う文末表現の戦略的な使い方 : 断定の助動詞「だ」の「断定性」と「男性性」を中心に
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This study analyzed people in their 20s's strategic usage of assertion auxiliary verb “da” as sentence final markers under the circumstance of expressing one's opinion, from the aspect of masculinity and assertion. The focuses were speaker's intensity, grammatical form and utterance function with “da” as sentence final markers. The survey materials were telephone conversations with close friends. As a result of the analysis, people in their 20s's tend to weaken the masculinity and assertion of “da” in the field of “grammatical form” and “utterance function” when they use assertion auxiliary verb “da” as sentence final markers. This trend was also found in using traditional masculine sentence final markers. Among others, the avoidance of the masculinity of “da” was found not only women but men. It shows that the traditional masculine image of “da” has been overaccentuated. This leads that, those speakers exercised one's ingenuity in avoiding the exaggerated masculine image of assertion auxiliary verb “da” as sentence final markers. This study observed curious instances among those ingenuities. The most prominent one was “~ (n) darou (ne) form” as monology. In this survey, it has been almost immobilized among people. Another one was “~ (n) dayone form”. What is interesting about this was its character that can state one's opinion without the masculine image of “da”.
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