Suppression of floatability of pyrite in coal processing by carrier microencapsulation
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Carrier microencapsulation, CME, is a technique to form a thin layer of metal oxide or hydroxide on pyrite surface using a water soluble organic carrier combined with metal ions. The present study investigated the effect of CME using a tris-catecholato complex of Si4+, Si(cat)_[3]^[2-] on pyrite-coal separation by dynamic bubble pick-up experiments and Hallimond tube flotation experiments using coal, pyrite, and a coal-pyrite mixture. The mineral samples were treated in 0-5 mol m^[-3] Si(cat)_[3]^[2-] solutions at pH 4-9 at treatment times of 1-24 h. Dynamic bubble pick-up experiments showed that CME treatment converted the pyrite surface from hydrophobic to hydrophilic but did not affect coal's hydrophobic surface. The results of the Hallimond tube flotation experiments of a coal-pyrite mixture at pH 7-9 in the presence of kerosene as a collector showed that pyrite floatability was selectively suppressed after 1 h CME treatment with 0.5 mol m^[-3] Si(cat)_[3]^[2-] while both coal and pyrite were floated without the treatment. Thus indicates that CME treatment is effective in suppressing pyrite floatability in coal-pyrite flotation.
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