集団主義とコミュニティ感覚がメンタルヘルスに及ぼす影響 : 日・中・韓の国際比較を通して
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The purpose of this paper is to examine three questions regarding collectivism and sense of community, each can be viewed as a social concept which could relate to individual mental health. The first question is whether Japanese people are actually collectivistic and if most of them have less sense of community. The second is whether each concept has some relationship to each other. The third is if being collectivistic and having a sense of community influences individual mental health. Through a review, and statistical analysis which was based on data gathered from Japan, China and Korea, these questions were discussed. The results showed that Japanese people were as collectivistic as Koreans, but not so much as Chinese. And they didn't have as high a sense of community in comparison with the other two countries. The relationship between collectivism and sense of community was not confirmed in our data, but the results suggest that having a sense of community could be supportive for individual mental health.
- 2011-03-10
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