昭和期高校水産教育の実相 : 「漁業後継者」という概念について
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The fishery education of high school in Japan made the successor promotion for fishery an important purpose at the Showa era. The present study tries to clarify that meaning of "Successor". In postwar, the middle industrial school education changed to the high school education. The fishery education of high school also restarted. This education introduced the large scale training vessel and valued the oversea fishery education, because the fishery in Japan has developed from the coast to open sea. And, as the work force of coastal fishing was excessive, the reduction of that work force became an agent policy which started controlling coastal fishing at the high economic growth period. At that period, "Diversification" was proposed to the industrial education of high school as an educational policy. According to those policies, Fishery Management Department, that was made to bear the successor promotion concerning coastal fishing, was set up in the fishery education of high school. And then, Fishery Department that has used the large scale training vessel was able to concentrate on the oversea fishery education. However, Fishery Management Department began to disappear from the fishery education at once. At this stage, the concept "Successor for fishery" showed the meaning of successor for the oversea fishery.
- 2011-03-10
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