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To examine the resistance of Pinus thunbergii trees growing on a lave terrace in Sakurajima to pine wilt disease, we inoculated saplings with 1,000 or 10,000 pinewood nematodes at the Sakurajima Lava Experimental Station, Sakurajima, and the nursery of Kagoshima University Forest, Kagoshima, in 1997 and 1998. The saplings at the nursery were derived from Pinus thunbergii trees growing at the Sakurajima Lava Experimental Station. The nematode-inoculated saplings showed ceased oleoresin exudation, discoloration of needles, and wilting 2, 4-6, and 8-10 weeks after inoculation, respectively. The mortality ratios of 1,000 nematodes-inoculated saplings were 8-12 % irrespective to inoculation years and sites. The mortality ratio of 10,000 nematodes-inoculated saplings on the lava terrace was 14 and 18 % in 1997 and 1998, respectively. But that at the nursery was estimated as 75% in 1998. These results suggest that the saplings growing on the lava terrace in Sakurajima may not have the resistance to pine wilt disease inherently, but acquired it during the stages from germination to establishment as seedlings. The air temperature was 2-3 °C higher and the relative humidity was 10-30% lower on the lava terrace than at the nursery at midday in August and September. However, the xylem pressure potential of the saplings on the lava terrace did not differ significantly from that at the nursery at midday in summer. The saplings on the lava terrace might acquire some mechanism that can reduce a stress from desiccation and increase vigor, resulting into a low mortality due to pine wilt disease.鹿児島県桜島の溶岩台地上に生育するクロマツのマツ材線虫病に対する抵抗性を明らかにするために,1997年と1998年に,鹿児島大学農学部付属演習林桜島溶岩実験場に生育するクロマツ幼樹と桜島溶岩実験場で採取した種子由来の本部実験苗畑に生育するクロマツ幼樹に強病原性マツノザイセンチュウ(島原系統)を1万頭と1千頭接種し,半年間にわたり針葉や樹脂滲出の異常と生存を追跡した。接種後2週間目には樹脂滲出異常が,4~6週間目には針葉の萎凋が,そして8~10週間目から枯死が認められた。1千頭接種個体の死亡率は,接種年やクロマツの生育場所にかかわらず,8~12%と低かった。1万頭接種個体の死亡率は,溶岩実験場に生育する個体では,1997年は14%,1998年は18%と低かったが,苗畑に生育する個体は75%と高かった。8月から9月にかけては,苗畑に比べ溶岩台地の方が,日中の気温は2~3℃高く,湿度は10~30%低かった。しかし,クロマツの木部圧ポテンシャルには溶岩実験場と苗畑で有意差は見られなかった。夏の日中に水分ストレスを強く受けると考えられる桜島の溶岩台地上に生育するクロマツは,遺伝的抵抗性を持ってはいないが,何らかの要因が働いて樹勢が増し,見かけ上抵抗性を有しているように見られると考えられた。
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