Geographic distribution and relative abundance of four species of soricine shrews in Hokkaido, Japan
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Geographic distribution and relative abundance of four species of Sorex in Hokkaido were investigated. S. unguiculatus Dobson, 1890, S. caecutiens Thomas, 1907, and S. gracillimus Thomas, 1907 are distributed throughout the mainland of Hokkaido, and S. minutissimus Thomas, 1906 appears to be distributed only in the northern and eastern regions. S. unguiculatus was recorded on 5 out of 10 investigated islands near the mainland, S. caecutiens was recorded on one island, S. gracillimus was recorded on three islands, and S. minutissimus was recorded on one island. S. unguiculatus was the dominant species in a majority of habitats (22 out of 32) and was the second most dominant in the others. S. caecutiens was the second or third most dominant species in a majority of habitats (26 out of 32) and was the dominant in the others. S. gracillimus was a less dominant species in a majority of habitats (19 out of 23) but was the dominant in the moors and highlands in the northern regions. S. minutissimus was the rarest species in Hokkaido.
- Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciencesの論文
Ohdachi Satoshi
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
Ohdachi Satoshi
Institute Of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University
Ohdachi Satoshi
Institute Of Low Temperature Science
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