Evaluation of Grip and Pinch Strength Difference between the Dominant and Non-dominant Hand in Healthy Japanese Adults
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We studied the difference between the strengths of the dominant and non-dominant hands in healthy Japanese adults. One hundred andtwenty-two volunteers were tested using a calibrated JAMAR hydraulic dynamometer and Hydraulic Pinch Gauge. Five subjects were excluded becausethey were left-handed. One hundred and seventeen subjects were right-handed.The age, sex, and hand preference were recorded for each subject. Fifty-onesubjects were men, and sixty-six were women. The mean age of the subjectswas 28 years (range: 20~46). In right-handed men, the mean grip strengthwas 41.9kg in the dominant hand, and 38.4kg in the non-dominant hand, andkey pinch strength was 11.4kg and 10.7kg, respectively. Grip strength andkey pinch strength in the dominant hand were 10[%] and 7[%]stronger than in thenon-dominant hand. The corresponding values for right-handed women were25.4kg and 22.7kg, and 7.9kg and 7.5kg. Grip strength and key pinch strengthin the dominant hand were 12[%] and 6[%] stronger than in the non-dominant hand.
- 2010-08-01
- Evaluation of Grip and Pinch Strength Difference between the Dominant and Non-dominant Hand in Healthy Japanese Adults
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